Press Release

Press Release privind seminarul internațional „Participarea femeilor în alegeri”, organizat de Autoritatea Electorală Permanentă (7 – 8 martie 2014)

Regarding the International Workshop „Women’s Participation in Elections”, organized by Permanent Electoral Authority

 (March, 7 – 8, 2014)


The Permanent Electoral Authority (PEA) informs that on 7 and 8 March 2014, hosted in Brasov, the international Workshop on “Women’s Participation in Elections”. The event organized by PEA gathered participants from different electoral management bodies and international organizations. Participarea_femeilor_alegeriPrestigious electoral experts from the Association of European Electoral Officials (ACEEEO), from the United Nations Development   Program (UNDP), from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), Federal Electoral Institute of Mexico (IFE)  and also electoral officials from Middle East – North Africa Region (MENA), Georgia and Ukraine discussed the issue of gender equality during the political decision-making process.   The workshop’s aim was the exchange of best practices and experiences which might consolidate the women access in elections, in order to strengthen democracy and the rule of law. “We selected this topic of Women’s participation in elections because we strongly believe that all individuals, men and women, have the right to equally take part in political life at all levels, as voters, candidates, election officials and civil society representatives. We think that equal participation of women in politics and government is essential to build and sustain democracy”, stated the President of PEA, Mrs. Ana Maria Pătru. Participarea_femeilor_alegeri1 The Permanent Electoral Authority has always expressed its engagement in supporting other states’ efforts in organizing free and fair elections. The results of the Workshop will provide the basis of a report which aims to promote the women participation in elections. Enhancing women participation in elections represents also one of key elements of the Permanent Electoral Authority strategy for 2014.
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