Press release

Press release privind întâlnirea dintre președintele AEP, doamna Ana Maria Pătru, și Excelența Sa, domnul Ilir Tepelena, Ambasadorul Republicii Albania în România...
registrsv On Tuesday, September 15, 2015, the President of the Permanent Electoral Authority (PEA), Ms. Ana Maria Pătru met with H.E. Mr. Ilir Tepelena, the Ambassador of the Albanian Republic in Romania. The discussions, that took place at the PEA headquarters, were concentrated on Romanian – Albanian collaboration in the electoral field. The President of the Permanent Electoral Authority congratulated Albania for undertaking the Presidency of ACEEEO through the President of Central Electoral Commission, Ms. Lefterije Luzi, as well as for becoming a member of A-WEB Executive Board, organization with more than 100 countries from five continents. “I welcome the election of Ms. Lefterije Luzi in these important positions within the electoral management. It is very encouraging that women increasingly accede to management positions gaining the opportunity to put their experience and working capabilities on the map” said Ms. Ana Maria Pătru. As well, the President of the Permanent Electoral Authority said that PEA will support the Central Electoral Commission of Albania in consolidating its expertise in electoral domain. At the proposal of the Albanian side, PEA, through Ms. Ana Maria Pătru and the Central Electoral Commission of Albania, through its President, Ms. Lefterije Luzi, will sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the electoral matters. The document will be signed on the occasion of the workshop “Codification of the Electoral Law” to be organized by PEA in Bucharest between 19 – 20 October 2015. Download EN
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